Monday, January 11, 2010

Random Thoughts

- After reading Bill Plaschke's column in the Los Angeles Times, it is not surprising that Pete Carroll is leaving USC...I never knew that athletic director Mike Garrett and Carroll did not get along...

- One name mentioned for the USC job that was very intriguing was Herm Edwards...Edwards did not make it in the NFL, but I could see him being a very good college coach with all his energy...

- Gilbert Arenas is a jerk...what as he thinking when he brought a handgun into the locker...that is his workplace -- that would be like me taking a gun to work...Arenas' jersey number, zero, matches his smarts...

- Did you know that Doc Rivers, head coach of the Boston Celtics, is currently the longest tenured coach with one team...

- NBC should have hired Charles Barkley to be the color analyst for the Bengals-Jets game instead of Joe Thiesmann and Joe Gibbs...Barkley would have made it interesting, afterall, the game sucked...

- What a shocking poor start for Tom Brady on Sunday...I'm not saying the Patriots are getting rid of Brady, but I wonder if Bill Belichick will be looking for a young quarterback late in the draft this year...

- Whatever happened to Drew Bledsoe?...

- Did you see Wes Welker sitting in the owner's box drinking beer...

- I wonder what Joe Buck thought about Artie Lange trying to kill himself...Lange allegedly stabbed himself nine times in a suicide attempt...


  1. Anonymous2:36 PM

    You are wrong about Doc Rivers. Jerry Sloan has been the coach of the Utah Jazz for over 20 years now. Rivers may be the longest tenured coach in the Eastern Conference.

  2. - Did you know that Doc Rivers, head coach of the Boston Celtics, is currently the longest tenured coach with one team...

    Gregg Popovich would also like to disagree here.

  3. Anonymous6:01 AM

    Go Colts
