Mike Schmidt, Hall of Famer, former Philadelphia Phillie and teammate of Rose, wrote this in which the Associate Press ran... "Even if Pete were to get by the commissioner, I feel it would take serious massaging of the members by Aaron, Joe Morgan and myself to get him the needed 75 percent quorum on a vote of Hall of Famers for election, and that may not be enough. Pete is Pete and always will be." ...
Paul Daugherty of the Cincinnati Enquierer wrote what Dan Dowd now thinks of the Rose situation...Dowd's report is what led to Rose's lifetime ban... "Even in the midst of a steroid reckoning that seemingly has no end, Rose remains the face of fallen sports grace. The man who put him away still practices law in Washington, D.C., at age 68, same age as Rose. It’s possible to feel both proud and saddened by what you’ve achieved in life. To stand tall, while slumping. That would be Pete Rose, of a fashion. And John Dowd." ...
I was hoping for another Jimmy the Cab Driver video.