Sunday, January 25, 2009

Rush Limbaugh is an asshole

Rush Limbaugh had people turning off his radio program after the comment that he hopes the new President Barack Obama fails along with his policies to help America.

“I want to see him fail,” said Limbaugh, a former drug addict who would rather see hard working Americans lose their jobs, their homes and stand in soup lines than see a biracial Democratic President succeed in helping the country recover.

This is why there should not be any political parties in this country. Too often, Republicans want to see Democrats fail in order to get into power and the Democrats want to see Republicans fail in order to get into power.

Just as when former president George W. Bush started the surge in Iraq, there is no doubt that some Democrats wanted to see it fail this way it was another hit on the Republican president.

Rush Limbaugh is an asshole. And so is anyone else who wants to see any American President fail just because he (or she one day) is not from the party you support.


  1. Rush Limbaugh had people turning off his radio program after the comment that he hopes the new President Barack Obama fails along with his policies to help America.

    “I want to see him fail,” said Limbaugh, a former drug addict who would rather see hard working Americans loose their jobs, their homes and stand in soup lines than see a biracial Democratic President succeed in helping the country recover.

    Limbaugh is now being compared to another radio personality from World War II named Tokyo Rose who would broadcast discouraging news to the U.S. troops fighting for their country, telling them they were going to “fail” and the should surrender. Well, Tokyo Rose was wrong. We didn’t surrender, Americans succeeded and Tokyo Rose was tried for treason.

    It looks like America has a new “Tokyo Rush” trying to defeat American resolve and will as a nation.

    Pass this on to people who want to see this national succeed, not fail like Tokyo Rush.

  2. Anonymous3:28 PM

    Perhaps he is missing a dose of
    Oxycontin or Lortab and needs a fix? It's hard to believe Rush
    Bimbaugh continues to be paid to
    be on the radio...seems like the
    intelligent Americans would be more
    interested in listening to music than garbage...

  3. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Limbaugh is a right wing racist ultra conservative whose views reflect the diminishing post-WWII attitudes of an aging, isolationist and mis-informed segment of American society. Fortunately for America and the rest of the world, his views will soon follow the fate of the dinosaurs.

  4. Anonymous11:46 PM

    You are so right!

  5. Anonymous1:04 AM

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