Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Big Lead, Deadspin try to get Lou Holtz fired by fanning the flames of Hitler comment

This past Friday, ESPN's Lou Holtz made a poor decision when he made a comparison of Michigan's Rich Rodriguez with that of Adolph Hitler...Holtz left himself wide open as some bloggers, such as The Big Lead and Deadspin, and liberal media wonks are trying to get Holtz fired...

Sports Illustrated's Stewart Mandel wrote:
That ESPN needs to fire, or at the very least suspend, Lou Holtz. I get that Holtz plays the funny, lighthearted sideshow on ESPN's studio shows. I get that the network doesn't seem to mind that the former coach offers almost no actual substantive analysis. But like they say, it's all fun and games until someone pokes his eye out -- or, in Holtz's case, compares Michigan coach Rich Rodriguez to Adolf Hitler.

Holtz apologized Saturday for his bizarre, incredibly offensive remark. TV personalities spend hours and hours talking, which means they're bound to eventually say something they regret. Usually it's enough just to apologize and move on. But Holtz went waaaaay out of bounds. Sports commentators have been fired in the past for making racially insensitive remarks. You would think the same rule applies when making light of a man that killed 6 million innocent people on the basis of their religion -- but as of Sunday afternoon, the network had yet to issue any reprimand.

Of the many comments left for Mandel, this one caught my attention:
Mandel, where was the outrage when Madonna compared John McCain to Hitler?

This person hit it right on the button...I am neither liberal nor conservative, but i think it stinks when the liberal media and bloggers will go after a 71-year-old man who clearly misspoke...but none of them have the grapefruits to take on the left-wing liberal nutjob Madonna...this is a woman who hasn't lived in this country for the last 5 years...instead of posting half naked women, why doesn't Deadspin or The Big Lead look into when the last time Madonna voted in a United States presidential election?...

I am a 100% Michigan Man, but I have no problem with what Holtz said because it was an obvious error in judgement - he misspoke!!!...haven't we all said something that came out the wrong way?...

So the highly moral Stewart Mandel should get back to writing about college football...and bloggers like Deadspin and The Big Lead should worry less about trying to get a feather in their cap by trying to get an old man fired...


  1. Anonymous6:31 AM

    I agree, so Lou broke sorta broke Godwin's Law - how does that equate with a firing? You're correct - go fry Madonna first!

    Nice article - thx.


  2. Hey, big Michigan fan here. I am a Liberal, but in no way in defense of Madonna. I'm not trying to point out the obvious, but Stewart Mandel is a sports writer. It is his duty to editorialize sensational stories in the sports media. Lou Holtz misspoke, but his grave disgust for RichRod and Michigan was pushed to the extreme in a comparison of two men that have nothing in common. Mandel was doing his job as a sports writer.

    John McCain, on the other hand, is trying to become the leader of the free world as Hitler was attempting to do (so viciously) in the early 1900s. While I agree, Madonna is a whack job and her comments were malicious and unfounded, it still has more weight then crazy old Holtz's senior moments.

  3. Anonymous7:49 AM

    See Ryan - that's the problem .. they're both WRONG in making statements like that! Last time I checked Holtz apologized too! Madonna? Still waiting on that one ..

  4. Anonymous12:44 PM

    One comment on the Madonna thing, she only represents herself. She doesn't represent the thoughts or actions of a corporation - such as ESPN. Now Lou is his own person, but he is nt on his own show promoting his own "thoughts". He is an employee of ESPN and has to represent the thoughts and actions of EPSN and Disney. Now, that being said, it is known that Disney hated the Jews, so maybe he'll get a promotion...
