Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Voting Day in Ohio

Today I am writing about a non-sports topic - voting....it is voting day here in Ohio...after casting my ballot, for Barack Obama, and heading into work, I was thinking about some of the discussion and lack of discussion over the last few weeks heading into today's big day...

Just yesterday, I was sitting with a co-worker when I asked her who she was voting for...she told me that her mother taught her never to discuss politics or religion with anyone...WHAT?!?!?!....

Like I told her, I could care less who she was voting for...I was not going to persuade her to vote for my person...heck, my one good friend is a big-time Hillary supporter...him and I have often exchanged barbs over the last few months...but it was all in good spirit...luckily most are not like my co-worker because it is good to communicate and hear different views...

I will say this though, what does upset me is when people will not vote for a candidate because of their race or gender or name...I have heard people say they will not vote for Obama because he is black.....WHAT??!?!?!....so, the man is black...are white people afraid that Obama will put whites into slavery if he should become president?....

As I stated earlier, I voted for Obama....the reason I did not vote for Hillary had nothing to do with her being a woman...I just felt that I could trust Obama more than I could Hillary...

Another co-worker said she was not voting for Obama because his name sounds Muslim...WHAT!?!?!?!....so I guess that only a white man with a non-ethnic name can become president....

That rules out any Asian-American with the name of Ling, Chow, Ming, Liu, etc...

That rules out any Hispanic-American with the name of Rodriguez, Chavez, Montero, Valentin, etc....

That rules out any Jewish-American with the name of Cooperman, Stein, Lehman, etc...

That rules out any European-American with the name of Pierre, Paterno, Lemieux, Hoffmeister, O'Leary, Georgiopolous, Natyshak, Rossi, Gruber, etc..

Of course, it goes with out saying that it rules out all African-Americans, even if their name is Williams, Smith, Hall, etc., just because they are black....

Often times people blame the politicians for messing up this country....but with some of the public's views and beliefs, they should also share in the burden for holding this country back...


  1. I'm with you, Rick, voted for Obama this morning.

  2. I agree, I think it is absurd when people vote based on gender or race. People need to look at the issues and make an informed decision on who they think is the best candidate. I voted for Mitt Romney but it's too bad he's out of the race now. I think no matter who the Dem nominee is, I will be voting for McCain now.
