Five losses in six years to Ohio State....four straight bowl losses....the final straw has a loss to a I-AA team.....when is enough, enough?....the Michigan football program is on a downward spiral and will continue to falter unless the University of Michigan administration makes a move right now - fire Lloyd Carr as head coach - effective immediately.....
Let me say this, I take nothing away from Appalachian State....they are a well coached, very good football team....they deserved to win....but the fact is, they are still a I-AA team....and a program of Michigan’s caliber and history should not lose to a I-AA team....but they did....and someone has to take the hit on this....
The Michigan football coaches did a poor job in preparing this team for this game....the team had miscues and played undisciplined throughout the game.....but in all honesty, the Michigan administration will not do one damn thing....they do not have the guts to replace Carr....therefore, Carr should do the right thing and resign....if he truly cares for Michigan football and its fans, he should turn over the reigns to another coach for the remainder of the season....but in all honesty again, that won’t happen.....
Instead Carr will sidestep the hard ball questions that are asked of him by the week the offense will come out with the same old lame playcalling....the defense will talk tough, but will not be able to finish the one point last year, defensive coordinator Ron English looked like the real deal....instead he is just another Jim Hermann who allows his defensive unit to give up the big the end, nothing will change....maybe, just maybe, at the end of the season, Athletic Director Bill Martin will fire the entire coaching staff and start fresh with new young blood....but this is Michigan we are talking about and they don't do things like that...
Therefore, don’t be surprised if Ohio State comes into Ann Arbor once again and hands Michigan its fourth straight defeat in the series....all I know, a disgrace like this would not happen in Columbus....Congratulations to Appalachian State...
Meh... I think Carr will be done after this year, but I don't think firing him now helps anything. Why not let the season play out, then go after either a big name coach or an up-and-comer from a smaller school? What does firing him now do to make the program better right now?