Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Sex habits of highly sexual women

Below are the "supposed" six habits of highly sexual women . . . the article was written by Laura Snyder . . . she wrote, "Bedroom bliss can be yours - every time! - with this advice from women who regularly scale sexual peaks. Here, their mantras for a moan-worthy sex life:

#1 - Know Your Rights
Lusty ladies don't take a cross-your-fingers approach to climaxing. Men assume they'll reach their pleasure peak, so why shouldn't you? Call it self-fulfilling prophecy, but if you get under the covers believing sexual nirvana is inevitable, that faith - along with you actively doing what you need to do to make it happen - will get you there

#2: Let Loose
Relaaaaax. Sex is not rocket science. It won't cure cancer, or promote world peace, or change lives. So getting all worked up and stressed out about it makes about as much sense as worrying you're not eating your chocolate cake right. Just have fun!

#3: Sharpen Your Mental Focus
Have you ever caught yourself composing your grocery list or thinking back over your workday while you're in the act? That's a big no-no for highly sexual women. They've learned that to really achieve bedroom bliss, they must harness their biggest sexual organs: their minds. Clear your mind of nagging worries and distractions and you'll clear the way for mind-blowing sex.

#4: Don't Wait for Lust to Strike
Highly sexy people don't save their lascivious thoughts for the half-hour they're actually making love. Au contraire! Their sexiness rests on a foundation that encourages erotic thoughts, antasies and plans, all day long. It sure breaks a tedious board meeting, that's for sure.

#5: Know Thyself
She knows exactly what spot on her inner thigh makes her shudder with pleasure or what kind of kiss makes her swoon with delight. Just as important, she'll be happy to give polite directions to all bedroom visitors and can read her partner's own road signs to the promised land.

#6: Don't Discriminate
Highly sexual women are equal-opportunists; they don't discriminate against climaxes. Hey, a million bucks is a million bucks -- would you complain if it came in gold bars instead of bills? So don't worry if you can only achieve your peak one particular way... just keep on getting there.

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