Thursday, August 20, 2009

Fran Tarkenton unloads on Brett Favre

Former Minnesota Viking and Pro Football Hall of Famer Fran Tarkenton is sick of Brett Favre...on Wednesday, he appeared on "The Opening Drive" on Sirius NFL radio and said the following:

"I really have no interest in what Brett Favre does. He kind of lost me a few years ago by retiring and un-retiring and here and there," Tarkenton said.

"I asked a few friends here, maybe 10 or 12 people we were out with last night. I said, 'What do you think about Brett Favre going back to the Vikings?' You know who cared? Nobody. It's good news for you guys. It's good news for television and so forth but the last time I heard ... football was a team sport, isn't it? It's not just about the quarterback."

"I think he has been a great flamboyant quarterback, but he has made more stupid plays than any great quarterback that I've ever seen. Look at his final game in a Packers uniform. He blew that game [NFC championship] against the Giants," Tarkenton said in late May on KFAN-1130 in the Twin Cities.

"I really think the whole Brett Favre saga of retiring, un-retiring, three weeks ago [saying] 'I can't play,' the Vikings said, 'We're moving on,' it's a circus," Tarkenton said. "It's an absolute circus, and it takes away from all the other things that are going on with the Vikings, with the NFL. We're getting ready for a football season and this is a circus and I just have no interest in it.

"Wouldn't you be upset if you're a Packer fan? I think you're going to have Packer fans burning the No. 4 Favre Green Bay jersey. I think the Packer fans have every right to be outraged."


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