Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Who would be the posterboy for what is wrong with baseball?

A lot has been going on with baseball over the last few years...the players who were once looked upon as heroes are now considered liars, dirty, cheats, and this brings up a question, if you had to pick a posterboy of what is wrong with baseball, who would be on that poster?...

Would it be someone like Alex Rodriguez or Barry about Roger Clemens, Sammy Sosa, or Manny Ramirez...does Jose Canseco fit the bill...and let's not just focus on the "alleged" steroid users...what about Pete Rose...who is the posterboy for what is wrong with baseball...

So take a few minutes to think about it and post your views in the comments section...

Thank you!...


  1. Bud Selig. He knew about this all along and did nothing to stop it because steroids kept lining his pockets.

  2. Anonymous3:01 AM

    Bonds was. Clemens is now.
