Wednesday, March 04, 2009

Remembering Jimmy V

During this time of year I think about two greats who are no longer with us - Al McGuire and Jim Valvano...I will be doing a piece on McGuire later...

But in one of the greatest feature articles ever, Sports Illustrated's Gary Smith writes a perfect piece about former N.C. State basketball coach Jim Valvano who was dying of cancer... "He entered the Arena with his wife on his arm and a container of holy water from Lourdes in his black leather bag. His back and hips and knees ached. That was the disease, they told him. His ears rang and his stomach turned and his hands and feet were dead. That, they said, was the cure. Each step he took brought a rattle from his bag. Twenty-four tablets of Advil were usually enough to get him through the day." ...
  • Gary Smith

  • Below is a 9:48 clip of Jimmy V when he spoke at old Reynolds Coliseum at the 10 year anniversary of the title team...Jimmy V knew he was the 9:20 mark you will not have a dry eye as he concludes his speech by doing the Wolfpack fight song...

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