Monday, February 09, 2009

Musical Rewind - Randy Newman - I Love L.A.

Artist: Randy Newman
Song: I Love L.A.
Year: 1983
Album: Trouble in Paradise
Written by: Randy Newman
If you are from the 1980s, this is the song for oozes of everything 80s - self-image, glitz, glamour, Showtime, etc....Newman wrote the song about how the American Dream was dying...however, in a 2001 interview, he states that he loves his hometown of Los Angeles but explained, ,"There's some kind of ignorance L.A. has that I'm proud of. The open car and the redhead, the Beach Boys... that sounds really good to me."...

Even to this day, you will hear the song jamming at L.A. sporting was the theme song of the Magic Johnson-led Los Angeles Lakers Showtime era...

Favorite line: When the music cranks up and the scene shifts to L.A., Newman hits the first few line right on the money...I love how he describes the woman with him - not just a readhead, but a "big nasty" redhead at his side...
Rollin’ down the imperial highway
With a big nasty redhead at my side
Santa Ana wind blowin’ hot from the north
And we was born to ride
  • I Love L.A. Lyrics

  • Video: I love the video and footage of Los attention around the 3:35 mark when they show a bunch of old rich people dancing in a hot tub...the old lady in the middle is funny as she tries to dance or something...

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