Thursday, November 20, 2008

Donovan McNabb's overtime comments raise issue of a double standard

This past weekend the Philadelphia Eagles and Cincinnati Bengals played to a 13-13 tie...after the game, Eagles QB Donovan McNabb expressed surprise that a NFL regular season game could end in a tie...he thought the two teams would play until there is a is his quote:

"I've never been a part of a tie. I never even knew that was in the rule book ... It's part of the rules, and we have to go with it. I was looking forward to getting the opportunity to get out there and try to drive to win the game. But unfortunately, with the rules, we settled with a tie."

"I guess we're aware of it now ... In college, there are multiple overtimes, and in high school and Pop Warner. I never knew in the pro ranks it would end that way. I hate to see what would happen in the Super Bowl and in the playoffs."

Remember, McNabb is a 10-year veteran of the NFL and was active when the last tie occurred six years people were amazed that an NFL starting quarterback, like McNabb, would not know that a regular season game could end in a tie...

During the Monday Night pre-game on ESPN, this topic was analyst Tom Jackson was stunned about McNabb's ignorance of this common rule...however, Jackson began by stating that people have called McNabb names such as "cement head"...Jackson alluded to the fact that these people are making racist comments about McNabb's intelligence...Jackson was correct in nailing McNabb about not knowing the rules, but Jackson was wrong about the "cement head" comment...

Let's face the facts, McNabb was a cement head, bonehead, lunk head, or whatever you want to call it, for not knowing this common football rule...this has nothing to do with his race and everything to do with being a so-called "elite" NFL quarterback...any starting quarterback in the NFL who does not know the basic rules involving overtime is a lunkhead whether he is white, African-American, Hispanic, etc...that quarterback deserves to be criticized...

Imagine if a white quarterback, say Tony Romo, made the same comment about not knowing the overtime rules...every media person would be ripping Romo for being dumb and ignorant - and rightfully so...back in his playing days former Steelers quarterback Terry Bradshaw was viewed as this country boy who did not have a lot of smarts...if he made this comment, he would have been called "dumb" and probably something even worse...prior to a Super Bowl, former Dallas linebacker Thomas "Hollywood" Henderson said that Bradshaw was so dumb that he could not spell the word "cat" even if you spotted him the "C" and "A"...

So why is there a double standard?...I guess it is okay to call a white NFL quarterback dumb or ignorant, but the same cannot be said about an African-American NFL quarterback -- even when he clearly shows his ignorance of a common NFL rule...


  1. Anonymous5:24 AM

    Romo is a Hispanic quarterback.

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